Tarifa PK
Pedidos totales
Con pérdidas
Peso desde (Kg)
Peso hasta (Kg)
{% for rate in data.shipping_rates %} {% set totalOrders = 0 %} {% set totalOrdersWithLosses = 0 %} {% set rateCostDiff = 0 %} {% for row in rate.order_aggregated_shippings %} {% if row.diffPrice > 0 %} {% set totalOrdersWithLosses = totalOrdersWithLosses+1%} {% endif %} {% set rateCostDiff = rateCostDiff+row.diffPrice%} {% set totalOrders = totalOrders+1%} {% endfor %}
{{ rate.shipping_rate.pk }}
{{ totalOrders }}
{{ totalOrdersWithLosses }}
{{ rate.shipping_rate.conditionFromValue | number_format(3) }}
{{ rate.shipping_rate.conditionToValue | number_format(3) }}
{{ rate.shipping_rate.price | number_format(2) }} €
{{ rateCostDiff | number_format(2) }} €
{% for value in rate.shipping_rate %} {% endfor %} {% for row in rate.order_aggregated_shippings %} {% set color = '#797979' %} {% if ( ( row.diffPercentPrice > rate.stats.diffPercentagePriceMean+2*rate.stats.diffPercentagePriceStdDev and row.diffPercentPrice < rate.stats.diffPercentagePriceMean-2*rate.stats.diffPercentagePriceStdDev ) or row.diffPercentPrice > 0 ) and ( row.diffPercentPrice <= 0 or row.diffPercentPrice > 0.05) %} {% set color = 'red' %} {% else %} {% if (row.diffWeight > 0.05 or row.diffWeight < -0.500) and (rate.stats.diffWeightMean > (rate.stats.diffWeightMean > 0.500 ? 0.500 : rate.stats.diffWeightMean)) %} {% set color = 'azul' %} {% elseif row.orderNumberOfPackages != row.carrierNumberOfPackages %} {% set color = 'orange' %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% for value in row %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% for value in rate.stats %} {% endfor %}
Tarifa País CP desde CP hasta Peso desde Peso hasta Precio Coste Agencia Total pedidos Con pérdidas Diferencia coste
{{ value }}{{ totalOrders }} {{ totalOrdersWithLosses }} {{ rateCostDiff }} €
Fecha Pedido Ref Envío País CP Peso pedido Peso agencia Dif. Dif. % Paquetes pedido Paquetes agencia Cobrado Pagado Dif. Dif% Tarifa Peso BB en rango Peso agencia en rango Único paquete
{% if is_datetime(value) %} {{ value | date('d/m/Y') }} {% else %} {{ value }} {% endif %}
totalPrice sumDiffPrice % price totalWeight sumDiffWeight % weight diff Price Mean diff Weight Mean diff % Price Mean diff % Weight Mean diff Price Variance diff Weight Variance diff % Price Variance diff % Weight Variance diff Price StdDev diff Weight StdDev diff % Price StdDev diff % Weight StdDev Pedidos procesados
{{ value }}
{% endfor %}